New Member Application For Volunteer Fire/EMS

Active Membership: Any person 18 years of age or older wishing to be considered for full membership status.

Applicants 18 years and older will also need to complete a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check as well as Pennsylvania Child Abuse background check and FBI fingerprinting for applicants that meet criteria.  The membership committee will discuss this process with new applicants.

Junior Member: Any member from age 14 up to active age. Applicants in this age group must complete a parental consent form as well as have current working papers. In order to run EMS the members MUST be at least 16 years of age. Parental Consent Form is here. Junior Members do not pay an application fee.

New member applications are reviewed by our membership committee. Applicants who meet the requirements of the company will be brought to the general body for membership vote the first Friday of each month.

You must be present at the General Body meeting to be voted on for membership.

If you have any questions please contact the membership chairperson.

Michael Fowler